Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a simple and effective way to brighten and enhance your smile. Over time, our teeth can naturally lose their brightness due to various factors such as aging, lifestyle choices, and dietary habits.

Teeth whitening involves applying a safe, specialized whitening gel to your teeth which breaks down and eliminates stains, revealing a noticeably whiter and more radiant smile.

At 406 Dental, we offer both in-house and at-home whitening options to suit your preferences and lifestyle.

Our goal is to provide you with a comfortable and convenient experience, ensuring a beautiful outcome without causing any harm to your teeth or gums. Whether you’re preparing for a special occasion or simply want a confidence boost, our teeth whitening solution is a reliable path to achieving the brilliant, healthy smile you’ve been longing for.

Let us help you bring out the best in your smile with our teeth whitening solutions.



At 406 Dental, we provide three distinct teeth whitening treatments:

Boutique® – At-home treatment with custom whitening trays and gels.
Zoom® – In-surgery whitening treatment administered by our experts.
Enlighten® – A Premium at-home teeth whitening solution.

Our experienced dentists will assess your specific needs during your consultation and recommend the appropriate treatment for you.

Teeth whitening involves the application of a whitening agent designed to break down discoloured molecules within your teeth. This agent typically contains peroxide, which has the ability to lighten your teeth’s existing colour. By breaking down stains into smaller particles, your teeth appear brighter, and existing stains become less noticeable.

It’s advisable to steer clear of acidic foods and beverages following teeth whitening or just prior to it. Post-treatment, your teeth may be more sensitive, potentially leading to discomfort when consuming such items. Additionally, these foods could contribute to restaining. Thus, it’s best to avoid acidic and sugary foods and beverages. Also, consider refraining from strong liquids like coffee, tea, and wine for 24-72 hours post-treatment to prevent restaining.

Yes, it effectively eliminates surface stains. The speed at which natural teeth whiten varies among individuals, which is why it’s vital to consult our skilled dentists.

This will be discussed with you during your consultation. However, it’s typically recommended to undergo teeth whitening before other cosmetic dental treatments like crowns and bonding. Crowns and fillings will not change colour during teeth whitening. Front teeth restorations will not whiten either, and any active dental decay or gum disease must be addressed before starting teeth whitening treatment.

At 406 Dental, teeth whitening is entirely safe. Our experienced dentists will make every effort to ensure your comfort. Rest assured, professional teeth whitening does not harm your teeth. You may experience some discomfort during or shortly after the treatment, but it should be mild and short-lived.

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