
Composite bonding is a versatile and minimally invasive dental procedure that can work wonders for your smile. It is a procedure that is used to address tooth imperfections such as chips, gaps, discolouration/staining, or length discrepancies, and enhance the appearance of your teeth.

It is often used in conjunction with other treatments and is a particularly popular choice after orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign® and teeth whitening.

The process involves shaping and bonding the composite material to your teeth, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing and harmonious smile.

Composite Bonding is a conservative option that typically involves minimal to no removal of natural tooth structure, ensuring the preservation of your dental health.

Whether you seek to rejuvenate a single tooth or wish to enhance your entire smile, composite bonding provides a cost-effective and efficient solution that delivers beautiful, natural-looking results. We take great pride at 406 Dental in our ability to craft smiles that not only radiate beauty but also uphold your dental well-being.



Composite bonding is made of a composite resin material. This material is particularly effective at being able to mimic the surface and shade of natural teeth and can be shaped to achieve the results you’re looking for.

Composite bonding can provide great results, fast. Most patients can be treated in just one appointment, and because it’s minimally invasive there is hardly ever the need to use drills or injections. This all helps make the process comfortable and time-effective for the patient.

Every patient is different, but bonding treatment usually only takes a few hours. This means, in most cases, you’ll walk out of our practice the same day with a new smile

Minimally Invasive: Unlike other treatments like porcelain veneers, which may involve slight alterations to your natural teeth, composite bonding generally doesn’t require any reduction of your existing teeth at all before application.

Cost-Effective: Composite bonding is one of the more affordable cosmetic dental procedures, starting at just £250.00 per tooth.

Efficient: Composite bonding treatment, most typically can be completed in a single visit, often taking just a couple of hours. In contrast, other cosmetic dental treatments may require multiple appointments, check-ups, and more extensive aftercare.

Ease of Repair: If your composite bonding becomes damaged or chipped after treatment, it’s easily repairable. We’ll assess the damage and use the same composite material to reshape the affected area.

Risk of staining: It’s important to avoid consuming drinks and foods that can stain teeth, such as coffee, red wine, and berries, as these can lead to discolouration of the resin material. Maintaining your regular oral hygiene routine, including brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, is essential.

Risk of chipping: Additionally, refrain from habits like nail-biting or chewing hard objects, as the composite bonding material is slightly less resilient than natural teeth and may be more prone to minor chips or breakages that require repair.

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